Derived from China, Ziziphus Jujuba (jujube, Chinese date) is a member of the first group of functional foods, which includes foods that besides nutritional value also positively affect health and general mood. As far as 3,000 years ago, the Chinese made wine through fermentation of Chinese dates. It was then considered a beneficial beverage, and was served at receptions. Subsequently, also medicine focused on jujubes. Nowadays, it is a component of dietary supplements. TIENS Date Concentrated Juice contains Chinese date extract from Cangzou in the Hebei Province in eastern China. Thanks to patented technologies the bioactive properties of the fruit are fully preserved.
TIENS Date Concentrated Juice preparation is an extract from highest-quality jujube fruit of the Golden Silk variety. Chinese dates, as this is how they also called, are characterized by high nutritional value and are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Due to high content of vitamin C, an effective antioxidant, they are called ’natural vitamin C’. Jujubes contain for instance between 70 and 80 times more vitamin C compared to apples. It is also rich in vitamins of the B complex, which boost metabolism, reduce tiredness and fatigue and improve the functionality of the immune and nervous system. Chinese dates are an excellent source of iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Jujubes contain 18 out of the 24 amino acids crucial for proper function of the body. However, the most beneficial component of the Chinese date extract is adenosine monophosphate, in short cAMP. This compound is responsible for enhancing intercellular signals as it affects the intracellular impulses. cAMP among other things is needed in the communication within the nervous system.
Action & benefits
According to scientific publications, Chinese dates Ziziphus Jujuba (Golden Silk Jujube) typically contain:
Vitamin C that protects body cells from oxidative stress, reduce tiredness and fatigue and strengthens the body’s natural endurance;
Vitamin B1 that supports normal functioning of the heart;
Vitamin B2 that protects cells from oxidative stress, maintains normal vision and improves the condition of skin;
Vitamin B6 that is necessary to normal red blood cell formation;
Potassium that regulates a proper functioning of the nervous system;
Iron that determines the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, aids digestion and supports body’s defense system;
Calcium that is required by the body for muscle contraction, blood coagulation and nerve impulse conduction. It is necessary for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
Take 1 bottle/day. Dilute with water, according to your personal preferences. Mix well before drinking.
After opening, use within 2 days.
Do not exceed the specified daily portion.
Package: 10 ampoules x 50 ml
Shelf life: 24 months
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), daily consumption of even a few dates ensures lifespan. Their beneficial effect on human body was discovered in ancient times, and has been confirmed by modern science.
There is evidence that as a supplement, Chinese dates are suitable for people of all ages.